Sunday, September 13, 2009

Number 4 and Stock Market

Individuals born on 4, 13, 22 and 31 should strictly avoid stock market. Their risk taking capacity is big which makes them get into speculation and later on they find it difficult to come out of the market. It's not that they can't make money from the market but they get addicted to it. And they end up making speculation their main business which makes their life full of ups and downs. This is also valid for people with name number 4. A few examples of people with name number 4 are Harshad Mehta, Ramalinga Raju and Ketan Parekh. I don't need to explain further as these names speak themselves.


Monicatan1985 said...

Hello Sir
I am Monica from Australia.. I saw ur advertisement on Blogertizeworld. I wanted to know if numerology actually works.. Though I'm not an ardent student of numerology I do believe in super natural occurances.. Do u have any ebook written by you or any other author on numerology.. I'd like to learn a little more on this subject


Rohit K Singhania said...

Hi Monica,

Sorry for a late reply. I do not have any ebook or so. If you read all the articles here you will be able to get a fair idea of how this works and then questions are welcome. You can email me on

Vaibhav Srivastava said...

Hello Rohit,
Most of your analysis seems really convicing.
My name is Vaibhav Srivastava, DOB 24-04-1989
Although,most things in my life usually work out well even with little effort,i am always troubling myself by trying to control everything.Also,i am overly obsessed with trying to be better than others around me (even when it does not make sense).
Do my numbers tell the story ?
Thank You

shaikh said...

Hi Rohit
Came across your blog ad on - I must say- amazing selection of adspace and very nice placement. But I was surprised to this that you haven't been updating the blog and moreover you havent been monetizing your blog. I had a question - Why did you advertise your blog when you're not monetizing it. Is it just a hobby??
